Fallout: Dust Wikia

If you're NCR and you're reading this- I've found a way out.[...]

-Sgt. Jacobs
—Crumpled Note

The Tops is a ruined casino located on the New Vegas strip.


Before the Fall, the Tops was a high-end hotel and casino owned by Robert House and operated on his behalf by the Chairmen, a tribe that Mr. House had recruited by way of his securitrons and recultured in the 1950's "Rat Pack" aesthetic. In the aftermath of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Chairmen as well as the other two families were deposed and the NCR took direct control over the properties located on the Vegas strip, ostensibly killing or otherwise disabling Mr. House in the process. With the Fall and subsequent NCR withdrawal from the Mojave, the Tops fell into disuse, occupied only by the mad survivors of the cloud and their feral counterparts.


The Tops is heavily occupied by Feral Ghouls with a token presence of Cloud Victims, some of whom are hostile. Because of the high levels of radiation found here, survivors should take precautions, packing reserve supplies of radiation treatment and either Alcohol or Thorazine given the established psychological impact of engaging feral Ghouls.

Areas of Interest[]

  • The Pool located behind the casino is oddly free of radioactive contamination, making it one of the few sources of fresh water in the Mojave.
  • The Tops restaurant and Ace's theater contain large quantities of Alcohol.
  • One of two viable entrances to Vault 21 is located in an elevator shaft near the rear of the casino floor.